The younger is right on the following assumption: "Being green" should not be the end goal of our pursuits. It shouldn't be a medal we wear. We should be discerning shoppers when it comes to the "Green Machine." Unfortunately, "being green" has become trendy. So, now millions of people are spending billions of dollars on extra stuff they don't need just because it's labeled "green" or "organic." "Being green" is a 25 cent word for "being greedy."
Now, what I propose is living simply. Don't buy so much stuff. Shop locally. Walk or ride your bike. Grow a garden. Make friends with farmers. Instead of spending an extra 10 G's on a hybrid car, why not keep the old car you have and ride your bike or take the bus to work.
On one of the comments, the "Womb Mother" mentioned that she now uses canvas bags for shopping. That's easy to do. If you like using plastic/paper bags, then just find more ways to reuse them once you get home.
Do we really need to buy bottled water (I just heard the "Womb Mother gasp)? I wonder if our tap water is just as good for us as the bottled water. Why waste all that money and plastic when the tap is inexpensive and readily available. And, don't get me started on where some of these bottling companies gett their water.
That recycle excuse that Nate mentioned is as old as recycling itself. I've heard that justification for waste from lots of people. I suggest calling your local recycling plant. Ask them for brochures on their recycling techniques. Or, email your newspaper or broadcast news station. They're always looking for good stories.
One last thing. Don't let the whole bipartisan "Global Warming" debate hide the real truth: God created the Earth and God called it good. That should be all we need to live simply.
To show I have a sense of humor about the environment, the article below is a great satire on the trend of "being green." I love it.
For those of you who are interested in taking a closer look at where your money goes, check out On the left side, you'll see a link called "Responsible Shopper." It gives a report card on how companies treat their employees, the earth, and the customer. Check it out.
Don't be trendy. Be simple.
The elder
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Dr. Jake -
Does this mean you still drive "The Biscuit?"
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